As MacMurray College (1846–2020) announced its closure, the Board of Trustees established a Task Force to investigate options to continue the legacy and heritage of the College. Consisting of two members of the Trustees, two Lifetime Trustees and two leaders of the College's Alumni Board, it was determined that a non-profit organization should be formed to preserve and continue the history and legacy of MacMurray College.

In May, 2020 MacMurray Foundation & Alumni Association was incorporated as an Illinois non-profit organization and is designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c(3) tax-exempt organization.


Activities to Fulfill Purposes of the Foundation

To carry out these purposes the Foundation has set goals for implementation as funds become available:

  1. Open a Museum setting in Jacksonville to display some of the archives, memorabilia and artifacts,
  2. Provide scholarships for students attending higher education with a focus of the recipient's connection to the legacy of MacMurray College
  3. Provide grants to other 501c(3) charitable organizations with a focus on those providing services that relate to MacMurray College's legacy,
  4. Engage alumni and friends of MacMurray College to support the work of the Foundation and assist in the continuation of MacMurray Alumni activities.


Continuing the history and legacy of MacMurray College (1846–2020), our mission is to impact lives and enhance communities through scholarships for higher education, grants to community organizations, exhibitions and displays of artifacts and memorabilia relating to MacMurray College.


In the legacy of MacMurray College, we envision recipients of MacMurray Foundation & Alumni Association programs will enrich the quality of life of individuals as well as local, regional and national organizations and communities.


Our values are embedded in MacMurray College's history and include: